Connecticut Sea Grant College Program

  • Offers up to $150,000 for two-year research in areas including

    • (a) resilience of coastal and watershed communities in the face of changing climatic conditions, ecosystem services and land use and

    • (b) the capacity of communities and stakeholders to prepare for and respond to coastal and watershed hazards of natural or human origin

  • Preliminary proposals were due Monday, 2/25/19; full proposals Friday, June 7, 2019. Although the deadline has passed, let’s talk about getting in line for the next grant round!


Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Coastal Adaptation (CIRCA)

  • CIRCA granted > $1.5M to 35 projects Details

  • Municipal Reslience Grant Program: CIRCA stopped accepting applications in 2017. If additional funding becomes available, this information will be relevant for future applications.